Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wacky Wednesday

Hello All!!
I hope your Wednesdays are off to a great start, and for those of you with a short day, I hope it's fantastic.  I am getting a haircut today, which I'm super excited for since my hair really needs it.  So for today, I bring you a few spring-like tutorials, some stuff to grow for those of you with a green thumb, and some cute things you could bring to school, for those of you who still go to school (it feels like it's been forever).
First, from Pretty Penny, I bring you the Reusable Lunch Bag, which, if I had even a second of free time, I would be making exuberantly and constantly annoying Carolyn and Lilia by telling them about it hundreds of times.
Up next we have a make-your-own succulent garden, which reminded me of spring, and just looked really nice in the picture. Yes, I do judge books by their covers.
Since I've alternated between DIY and GIY (Grow it Yourself) I'm going to go back to another great DIY tutorial.  This fabric flower tutorial would look great on any of the options given on the site as well as a barrette, or ring.
And last, but definitely one of my favorites for this week, I bring you a Fridge Magnet Flower Box, because who doesn't want to grow pretty things on their fridge? I certainly do.  And if you don't have an old credit card to use, consider digging up some of those old gift cards that are gathering dust in the various crevices of your room.
I hope these have brought you some spring inspiration, and that you are well on this sunny day!

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