Lilia once mentioned a website called Polyvore and its amazingness. Looking at fashion for me is completely addicting. "I die." That's how I wasted the better part of the mid-day. I didn't make an account for fear of forgetting about college applications alltogether and Lilia has already sent in applications to a few schools, so uh, no pressure. But someday, when I have endless hours of downtime, i.e. december break, I hope to make an account and have some fun with the wonders of digitalized fashion collage boards.
Until then, I have searched the surface (there are so many collages to choose from) and brought you my favorites so far. Notice my love of Taylor Momsen? Did anyone remember her from How the Grinch Stole Christmas? Hint: Cindy Lou-Who.
ruchita blair
Until then, I have searched the surface (there are so many collages to choose from) and brought you my favorites so far. Notice my love of Taylor Momsen? Did anyone remember her from How the Grinch Stole Christmas? Hint: Cindy Lou-Who.

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