Beware. This isn't a wacky Wednesday. It is simply just a regular Wednesday, which ironically, is hump day. That wasn't funny, except if you watch Will & Grace and even then, not so much. So anyway, on this fine day, I plan to... start my third and final summer reading book entitled Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. I like to read, and that is one of the reasons I'm taking a lit class this year. But for me it just seems like a better option sometimes than watching television. Unless it's prime time and the latest episode of Weeds, Gossip Girl, or Grey's is on. However, I don't really get how some of my friends can go an entire summer without picking up a book. I mean, by the time AP testing was over I had put on hold about seven books from the library. Not that I read all of them, and yes, two were about drawing, but I can only read so fast before my renewal limit is up. So, enough with that. On to the next topic.

These are
the mugs I want from Etsy. Now, I didn't spend my whole night looking around there so this post is kind of lame. And it is by no means an Etsy Addiction. Because well, it's boring if you only have one Etsy thing. But I really like cool pottery, so I had to give an example. Glaze colors can get so cool with how they drip together and they do all sorts of neat stuff.
Okay that's it for now. I'll see if I can get some pictures of our dock out here up later this week, hopefully before the weather gets bad. Have a fantastic Weds.
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