I just returned yesterday with my school's band from a five day vacation in Disney world. These pictures are of me and my roomies in front of the entrance to Magic Kingdom, the tower of terror, us with Minnie and Daisy (bad one of me.. sorry), and me and G on the teacup ride, pre-spinning.

We went to all of the parks except Typhoon Lagoon, a water park. We went on tons of rides and ate breakfast everyday in this back studio at Hollywood Studios (AKA MGM) where Eddy, one of the organizers for the meal, gave us awesome high fives and called us princesses-- well, not the boys. We joked that if he came to our school, we would all be more willing to get up in the morning. The last night we were there, we saw Fantasmic: a fireworks and water show that projects Disney movie scenes on sheets of water, and then all the characters come out singing on a huge boat. Going on rollercoasters and performing at Epcot was a thrilling experience, and I wish I could go back..
But, alas, I am here. And it is now.
So since tomorrow is Monday and nobody really likes Mondays unless you go to Monday night figure drawing at UHart, I thought I would provide you with a silly video. Hope you like it.
But, alas, I am here. And it is now.
So since tomorrow is Monday and nobody really likes Mondays unless you go to Monday night figure drawing at UHart, I thought I would provide you with a silly video. Hope you like it.
caorlyn i dont think i can go to figure anymnore cause my SAT classes start tonight AHH im so maaad