I was really pleased when, while checking one of the blogs we follow, I was directed to their flickr site. I adore the pictures of her son. So. Incredibly. Cute.

Also, I did this little trick of looking through my pictures and pretending it was summer and I was back in London or France or Germany frolicking through castles and gardens in full bloom.

Or, you know, hiking the Swiss Alps.

So I will play my Kate Nash, do my homework (I know, I'm so lame), and not talk to anyone.
By the way, I hope you all appreciate this post and the pictures because blogspot is SO awful for getting your pictures in the right order and position and I wanted to shoot my computer in the face. Basically. And if you know how to get photographs to be inserted where you want them, seriously let me know.
word. i tired to link my flickr to us the other day and it failed epically. i was really upset.